Lesbian and Gay Strategies of Resistance


French and Francophone Contexts

Edited by


Martine ANTLE and Dominique FISHER

(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)


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The authors throw light on the peculiar conditions that have made French culture unreceptive to the idea that sexual subcultures form a legitimate object of serious study, and make considerable progress towards redressing this situation as it applies to American French studies.

“The Rhetoric of the Other” explores dominant and queer traditions by focusing of four areas of inquiry: queer pedagogy, queer readings from Diderot to Proust, Francophone contexts, and gay and lesbian issues invisibilities. The contributions in this collection relate to early modern and modern topics as well as more contemporary ones, and they range over the fields of literature, film and cultural studies. In addition to France itself, the French-speaking Caribbean and the province of Quebec are also represented. This is a collected volume of unusual quality and interest, which will be important to many with a professional and/or critical interest in French and French-speaking literature and cultural studies.

Martine Antle is associate Professor of French and European Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She is the author of Théâtre et Poésie Surréaliste and the editor of The Object in France Today. She has published articles on Duras, surrealism, the contemporary novel, and contemporary French culture.

Dominique D. Fisher is associate Professor of French and Cultural Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She has published Staging Language and Language(s) of the Stage, as well as the articles on Gautier, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Foucault, Tahar Djaout, Nina Bouraoui, and multiculturalism. She is co-editor with Lawrence Schehr of Articulations of Difference.

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ISBN 1-889431-78-8




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