William R. Neblett
Tia, The Topless Dancer
Curiously, in the case of the present novel, the consummation of a concrete personto-person contact is not sheer fiction, since the heroine of this story actually exists. She is a professional topless dancer, you could actually witness her dance.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ekaterina Nemtchinova
Listen Up!
Послушайте! is intended for intermediate-level students who want to improve their listening and speaking communication skills. Focusing on language in the context of everyday communicative acts. Multiple opportunities to practice listening and speaking.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ludovic Obiang
La tache bleue
Et si, en un mot, l'anathème longtemps lié à la couleur 'noire', n'était que l'indice d'une essence 'bleue' qui rattacherait l'Africain à ce que la Création recèle de plus sublime? La tache bleue de Ludovic Obiang est un livre magnifique et envoutant.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ludovic Obiang
Le dîner des ogres
Des histoires étranges et fascinantes, cruelles et sanglantes parfois, inquiétantes et perturbantes toujours, où il est question de cannibalisme aux sens propre et figuré. Écrites par des conteurs et conteuses de grand talent. Excitant et repoussant.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ludovic Obiang
Lire Odyssées de Constant Oyono
Dans ce livre très intéressant et bien construit à caractère pédagogique, le Professeur Chercheur du CENAREST au Gabon Ludovic Obiang analyse l'oeuvre poétique magnifique, Odyssées, du grand poète africain Constant Oyono.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Constant Oyono
Odyssées de Constant Oyono, le grand poète gabonais, correspond, par sa précision et son élégance, aux exigences d’une écriture lyrique, contemplative et spirituelle. Lire Odyssées par Ludovic Obiang complète magnifiquement cette oeuvre poétique africaine
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Olivier Pascalin
Bailar conociendo tu cuerpo
Olivier Pascalin, con este libro, pretende divulgar no solamente los conocimientos técnicos propios del movimiento, sino ayudarnos a rescatar la conciencia y recapacitar nuestros conocimientos y aprendizajes que no siempre son transferidos correctamente.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Olivier Pascalin
Un chat peut en cacher un autre et n'est pas chat qui veut. Ce roman singulier et vrai nous entraîne dans les sous-sols remplis de mystères de l'Opéra de Paris, sur la butte Montmartre avec ses peintres amateurs, en pleine partie d'un jeu de l'Oie géant.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Olivier Pascalin
The Sinkhole
Olivier Pascalin s’affirme à chaque nouvelle œuvre littéraire comme un maître consommé de l’analyse introspective.  Médecin des corps et des âmes, il sait mieux que quiconque dépeindre des caractères parfois étranges, voire exotiques, toujours attachants.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
J. Yuri Porras
Living the Comedia
Amy Williamsen (1959-2019) was a beloved teacher, scholar, colleague and mentor to those fortunate enough to have known and worked with her. The essays collected in this volume reflect both the substance and impact of her professional legacy.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Frances Raval
The Story of Dora
In this incandescent novel Frances Raval gives superbly vivid, powerful and at times wickedly funny portrayals of the foundations of Freudian psychoanalysis as it emerged in the 1890s and thus by implication of the inner life of the whole epoch.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Christelle Reggiani
Formules 15
Image in relation to text, forms, trajectories, and frictions: that is the question here. Que fait la contrainte aux images et aux textes avec lesquels elle se trouve le cas échéant associée, si l'on prend aussi en compte les supports matériels des œuvres
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Christelle Reggiani
Formules 17
Formules 17 a souhaité inviter chercheurs et créateurs à arpenter et fouiller les « mondes contraints » – c’est-à-dire les univers de fiction engendrés par les créations à contraintes – et à s’interroger sur ce qui fait leur spécificité.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Christelle Reggiani
This volume by international scholars is a collective reflection on book's new forms, supports, and spaces. Are we really to see the 'end of the book,' as announced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida? Many interesting answers are to be found within.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Kris Rendon
Un libro de apoyo y crítica
Este libro –nada tocho– se debe leer seguido. En el espacio: desde el principio hasta el final, pasando por el medio. En el tiempo: de una sentada. Se puede leer entrelazado. Se deja leer aleatorio. Cada lector es invitado a crear su propia red. Genial.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Reina Roffé
Exotic Birds: Rare Women
Exotic Birds are fascinating stories about rare women derailed by reality. Like a spiral woven around two axes—a trip and a truncated novel—The Reef captures the insecurities of a time of terror, that of the Argentine military dictatorship of 1976-1983.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
A Bahia de todas as gaivotas
Este livro é um precioso inventário lírico de uma viagem de paixão e descoberta. O poeta Alain Saint-Saëns visitou a cidade de Salvador da Bahia, primeira capital do Brasil, e se encantou com suas cores, histórias, poetas, personagens, mitos e mistérios.
€14,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Allons Enfants de la Patrie
Allons Enfants de la Patrie is a historical novel about the Acosta Gnou Battle on August 16, 1869, when 5,000 toy soldiers were slaughtered by 20,000 Brazilian soldiers during the War of the Triple Alliance (Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina against Paraguay)
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Aisha est un roman écrit par Alain Saint-Saëns pendant un séjour d'un an en Tunisie. Il narre la rencontre amoureuse et tragique d'une jeune femme médecin et d'un diplomate français plus âgé, choc de cultures et de religions. Magnifique histoire d'amour.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns paints a dolorous picture of abused children, one which rings with truth and poetically saves them from obscurity. The poet's critique of the adults is savvy and relentless. These poems are a real mirror of a suffering Paraguayan society
€14,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Dans la poussière des siècles
Alain Saint-Saëns' extraordinary, riveting and enlightening novel, first part of a trilogy, explores his French ancestors' legendary past from the end of XVth Century and the time of King Francis I til the end of XVIIth Century under Louis XIV's reign.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Deux veuves et un ouragan
Ce roman, dans le cadre de la Louisiane où l'auteur a longtemps vécu, narre la très belle histoire d'amour pour le même homme de deux femmes, l'une Américaine, l'autre Paraguayenne, qui se déchirent et s'aident lors du passage d'un ouragan à New Orleans.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Francisco Pérez Maricevich
De manera magistral, Francisco Pérez Maricevich aclara el papel del poeta como observador calificado, lazo entre espacios tiempos diferentes. Eso quizá sea la tarea más importante del aedo paraguayo: jugar el papel de historiador de la memoria.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Ordeal at the Superdome. Escaping Katrina's Wrath, is an extraordinary play written by famous playwright Alain Saint-Saëns. Many readers will identify themselves with Barbara Carter’s family and her ordeal through Katrina and its immediate aftermath.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Paladín de la libertad.
Brillante ensayo crítico, el nuevo libro de Alain Saint-Saëns, dedicado a la poesía de Juan Manuel Marcos, es al mismo tiempo una incursión apasionante dentro de la historia literaria, cultural y política del Paraguay del siglo XX.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Romeo y Julieta
Playwright Alain Saint-Saëns adapts William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet's story to the Paraguayan political context of March 1999, when students fighting and demonstrating to save the young democracy against a putsch attempt, were killed by the police.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Soledad, obra de Alain Saint-Saëns, es la adaptación teatral de la novela de Juan Manuel Marcos, El invierno de Gunter. Cuenta la vida de tres jóvenes, Alberto, Verónica y Soledad, bajo la Dictadura del General Stroessner en Paraguay en los años ochenta.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
September 11, 2001: a plane struck the 91st floor of the North Tower. The Jump by Alain Saint-Saëns is a two-act play drama that brings the audience to events that could have happened to a handful of people trapped on the 81st Floor of the North Tower.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Universally acclaimed for his powerful play in English about Hurricane Katrina's aftermath, Ordeal at the Superdome, French playwright Alain Saint-Saëns now delivers another about the Holocaust, and puts the drama within the wagon on the way to Auschwitz.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Through poetry, Alain Saint-Saëns narrates Pope Saint John Paul II's extraordinary life as a model for Christians, but also as a man opened to dialogue with other faiths, Judaism and Islam. A very inspirational work for all readers in Spanish and English.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Malina Stefanovska
Le destin d’une enfant exilée, coupée de ses racines, est analysé par une femme mûre qui se sent devenir étrangère à soi-même.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Jean-Jacques Thomas
Oulipo n'est pas une avant-garde. Depuis plus de soixante ans, ce groupe, fondé en 1961 par l'écrivain français Raymond Queneau et le mathématicien français François le Lionnais, est toujours actif, caractérisé par sa nature multigénérationnelle.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Jorge Eliécer Triviño Rincón
La imaginación creadora
With this extraordinary powerful study, the author defines what creative imagination is, through a sound analysis of sciences, literature, art, and music. It is a well-documented and easily understandable masterpiece that will be cherished by all readers.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Catharina Vallejo
The feminine, or 'Woman,' was one of the main inspirations in Modernismo's expression, and the still current exclusion of women poets from this movement's canon is contrary to its own foundational concepts of innovation, rupture and personal expression.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Jean-Charles Jeffrey Wohkittel
Songs to Number Six
Songs to Number Six arises as a book of poems imbued with an undoubtable stylistic sense of unity and coherence that is bound to persist and survive in infinite time and space as well as a six-dimensional universe of completion and perfection.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Doctrinal construction in mainstream Christian theology is predicated on the assumption that the Bible is to be read as a source of timeless doctrine. The author demonstrates through his essay that the doctrine latent therein is itself highly contextual.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Theologians have developed various proposals about the nature of God’s single personal being vis-à-vis the reality of triple divine personhood. These often semantic conceptions have to be juxtaposed to the biblical understanding of divine oneness.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


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